Feel Good Inc. Playlists

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Taking a cue from the New York Times, who this week due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic published an article about the music they would have been hearing live if seemingly every institution were not closed, I’ve decided to create my own list. My list is more of a distraction playlist, a quarantine jukebox, a series of albums that are guaranteed “feel good”. I think we all from time to time create that stuck-in-the-bunker playlist or play a round of “If you could take only one album with you to a deserted island.” Because this is the closest thing to a bunker/Cast Away-like situation I hope to experience for sometime, it seems as good a time as ever to bring out those albums that give me pure joy and that highlight the joy of being alive.

Over the course of the next few days, I'll be having friends and colleagues guest post their own list of feel good music to listen to during the quarantine.

The Playlists

Below is the ongoing list. Click on the name to hear the music and read their posts.

Tyler Taylor (composer)
Max Coleman (sociologist)
Jake Gunnar Walsh (composer & performer)
Miggy Torres (composer)
