The Next Twenty-Odd Days

With sweater season solidly underway (at least here in Indiana), thus rolls in a series of Autumn concerts in Bloomington. First, my horn quintet, The Revival, gets premiered tomorrow night by a stellar group of musicians (8PM in Auer Hall at Indiana University). Second, on November 9th, my John Bolton inspired saxophone quartet Ain’t Gonna Study War No More, gets a post-Bolton performance as part of the 2019 Midwest Composer Symposium (2PM in Ford Hall).

Finally, my big ol’ hefty orchestra piece Full Fathom Five gets premiered by the Indiana University Concert Orchestra conducted by David Dzubay (November 20th at 8PM in the Musical Arts Center at IU). Through the magic of the internet, it will also be video live-streamed (a pretty darn good quality live stream at that) here:
